Source code for system.structs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Amoco
# Copyright (C) 2016 Axel Tillequin (
# published under GPLv2 license


The system structs module implements classes that allow to easily define,
encode and decode C structures (or unions) as well as formatters to print
various fields according to given types like hex numbers, dates, defined
constants, etc.
This module extends capabilities of :mod:`struct` by allowing formats to
include more than just the basic types and add *named* fields.
It extends :mod:`ctypes` as well by allowing formatted printing and
"non-static" decoding where the way a field is decoded depends on
previously decoded fields.

Module :mod:`system.imx6` uses these classes to decode HAB structures and
thus allow for precise verifications on how the boot stages are verified.
For example, the HAB Header class is defined with::

   B :  tag
   H :> length
   B :  version
   class HAB_Header(StructFormatter):
       def __init__(self,data="",offset=0):
           if data:
       def token_ver_format(k,x,cls=None):
           return highlight([(Token.Literal,"%d.%d"%(x>>4,x&0xf))])

Here, the :class:`StructDefine` decorator is used to provide the definition of
fields of the HAB Header structure to the HAB_Header class.

The *tag* :class:`Field` is an unsigned byte and the :class:`StructFormatter`
utilities inherited by the class set it as a :meth:`name_formatter` allow
the decoded byte value from data to be represented by its constant name.
This name is obtained from constants defined with::

    with Consts('tag'):
        HAB_TAG_IVT = 0xd1
        HAB_TAG_DCD = 0xd2
        HAB_TAG_CSF = 0xd4
        HAB_TAG_CRT = 0xd7
        HAB_TAG_SIG = 0xd8
        HAB_TAG_EVT = 0xdb
        HAB_TAG_RVT = 0xdd
        HAB_TAG_WRP = 0x81
        HAB_TAG_MAC = 0xac

The *length* field is a bigendian short integer with default formatter,
and the *version* field is an unsigned byte with a dedicated formatter
function that extracts major/minor versions from the byte nibbles.

This allows to decode and print the structure from provided data::

    In [3]: h = HAB_Header(\'\\xd1\\x00\\x0a\\x40\')
    In [4]: print(h)
    tag                 :HAB_TAG_IVT
    length              :10
    version             :4.0

import struct
import pyparsing as pp
from collections import defaultdict

from amoco.logger import Log

logger = Log(__name__)
logger.debug("loading module")

from amoco.ui.render import Token, highlight
from inspect import stack as _stack

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Consts(object): """ Provides a contextmanager to map constant values with their names in order to build the associated reverse-dictionary. All revers-dict are stored inside the Consts class definition. For example if you declare variables in a Consts('example') with-scope, the reverse-dict will be stored in Consts.All['example']. When StructFormatter will lookup a variable name matching a given value for the attribute 'example', it will get Consts.All['example'][value]. Note: To avoid attribute name conflicts, the lookup is always prepended the stucture class name (or the 'alt' field of the structure class). Hence, the above 'tag' constants could have been defined as:: with Consts('HAB_header.tag'): HAB_TAG_IVT = 0xd1 HAB_TAG_DCD = 0xd2 HAB_TAG_CSF = 0xd4 HAB_TAG_CRT = 0xd7 HAB_TAG_SIG = 0xd8 HAB_TAG_EVT = 0xdb HAB_TAG_RVT = 0xdd HAB_TAG_WRP = 0x81 HAB_TAG_MAC = 0xac Or the structure definition could have define an 'alt' attribute:: @StructDefine(\"\"\" B : tag H :> length B : version \"\"\") class HAB_Header(StructFormatter): alt = 'hab' [...] in which case the variables could have been defined with:: with Consts('hab.tag'): [...] """ All = defaultdict(dict) def __init__(self, name): = name def __enter__(self): where = _stack()[1][0].f_globals self.globnames = set(where.keys()) if not in self.All: self.All[] = {} def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): where = _stack()[1][0] G = where.f_globals for k in set(G.keys()) - self.globnames: self.All[][G[k]] = k
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def default_formatter(): return token_default_fmt
[docs]def token_default_fmt(k, x, cls=None): """The default formatter just prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a literal token python string """ return highlight([(Token.Literal, str(x))])
[docs]def token_address_fmt(k, x, cls=None): """The address formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a address token hexadecimal value """ return highlight([(Token.Address, hex(x))])
[docs]def token_constant_fmt(k, x, cls=None): """The constant formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a constant token decimal value """ return highlight([(Token.Constant, str(x))])
[docs]def token_mask_fmt(k, x, cls=None): """The mask formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a constant token hexadecimal value """ return highlight([(Token.Constant, hex(x))])
[docs]def token_name_fmt(k, x, cls=None): """The name formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a name token variable symbol matching the value """ pfx = "%s." % cls if cls != None else "" if pfx + k in Consts.All: k = pfx + k ks = k try: return highlight([(Token.Name, Consts.All[ks][x])]) except KeyError: return token_constant_fmt(k, x)
[docs]def token_flag_fmt(k, x, cls): """The flag formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a name token variable series of symbols matching the flag value """ s = [] pfx = "%s." % cls if cls != None else "" if pfx + k in Consts.All: k = pfx + k ks = k for v, name in Consts.All[ks].items(): if x & v: s.append(highlight([(Token.Name, name)])) return ",".join(s) if len(s) > 0 else token_mask_fmt(k, x)
[docs]def token_datetime_fmt(k, x, cls=None): """The date formatter prints value 'x' of attribute 'k' as a date token UTC datetime string from timestamp value """ from datetime import datetime return highlight([(Token.Date, str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x)))])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Field(object): """ A Field object defines an element of a structure, associating a name to a structure typename and a count. A count of 0 means that the element is an object of type typename, a count>0 means that the element is a list of objects of type typename of length count. Attributes: typename (str) : name of a Structure type for this field. count (int=0) : A count of 0 means that the element is an object of type typename, a count>0 means that the element is a list of length count of objects of type typename name (str) : the name associated to this field. type (StructFormatter) : getter for the type associated with the field's typename. comment (str) : comment, useful for pretty printing field usage order (str) : forces the endianness of this field. Methods: size () : number of bytes eaten by this field. format (): format string that allows to struct.(un)pack the field as a string of bytes. unpack (data,offset=0) : unpacks a data from given offset using the field internal byte ordering. Returns the object (if count is 0) or the list of objects of type typename. get (data,offset=0) : returns the field name and the unpacked value for this field. pack (value) : packs the value with the internal order and returns the byte string according to type typename. """ def __init__(self, ftype, fcount=0, fname=None, forder=None, falign=0, fcomment=""): self.typename = ftype self.type_private = isinstance(ftype, (StructCore)) self.count = fcount = fname self.order = forder or "<" self._align_value = None if falign: self.align_value = falign self.comment = fcomment @property def type(self): if self.type_private: return self.typename try: cls = StructDefine.All[self.typename] except KeyError: return None else: return cls()
[docs] def format(self): "a (non-Raw)Field format is always returned as matching a finite-length string." sz = self.size() return "%ds" % sz
[docs] def size(self): sz = self.type.size() if self.count > 0: sz = sz * self.count return sz
@property def source(self): res = "%s" % self.typename if self.count > 0: res += "*%d" % self.count res += ": %s" % if self.comment: res += " ;%s" % self.comment return res def __len__(self): return self.size() def __eq__(self, other): if ( (self.typename == other.typename) and (self.count == other.count) and (self.order == other.order) and (self._align_value == other._align_value) ): return True else: return False @property def align_value(self): if self._align_value: return self._align_value if isinstance(self.type, Field): return self.type.align_value return self.type.align_value() @align_value.setter def align_value(self, val): self._align_value = val def align(self, offset): A = self.align_value r = offset % A if r == 0: return offset return offset + (A - r)
[docs] def unpack(self, data, offset=0): "returns a (sequence of count) element(s) of its self.type" blob = self.type.unpack(data, offset) sz = self.type.size() count = self.count if count > 0: blob = [blob] count -= 1 offset += sz while count > 0: blob.append(self.type.unpack(data, offset)) offset += sz count -= 1 return blob
[docs] def get(self, data, offset=0): return (, self.unpack(data, offset))
[docs] def pack(self, value): if self.count > 0: return b"".join([self.type.pack(v) for v in value]) return self.type.pack(value)
def copy(self): cls = self.__class__ return cls( self.typename, self.count,, self.order, self._align_value, self.comment, ) def __call__(self): return self.copy() def __repr__(self): try: fmt = self.type.format() except KeyError: fmt = "?" r = "<Field %s {%s}" % (, fmt) if self.count > 0: r += "*%d" % self.count r += " (%s)>" % self.comment if self.comment else ">" return r
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class RawField(Field): """ A RawField is a Field associated to a *raw* type, i.e. an internal type matching a standard C type (u)int8/16/32/64, floats/double, (u)char. Contrarily to a generic Field which essentially forward the unpack call to its subtype, a RawField relies on the struct package to return the raw unpacked value. """
[docs] def format(self): fmt = self.typename if self.count == 0: return fmt sz = self.count return "%d%s" % (sz, fmt)
def size(self): sz = struct.calcsize(self.typename) if self.count > 0: sz = sz * self.count return sz
[docs] def unpack(self, data, offset=0): pfx = "%d" % self.count if self.count > 0 else "" res = struct.unpack( self.order + pfx + self.typename, data[offset : offset + self.size()] ) if self.count == 0 or self.typename == "s": return res[0] if self.typename == "c": return b"".join(res) return res
def pack(self, value): fmt = self.typename pfx = "%d" % self.count if self.count > 0 else "" order = self.ORDER if hasattr(self, "ORDER") else self.order if fmt=='c' and isinstance(value,bytes): fmt = 's' res = struct.pack(order + pfx + fmt, value) return res def __repr__(self): fmt = self.typename r = "<Field %s [%s]" % (, fmt) if self.count > 0: r += "*%d" % self.count r += " (%s)>" % self.comment if self.comment else ">" return r
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class VarField(RawField): """ A VarField is a RawField with variable length, associated with a termination condition that will end the unpack method. An instance of VarField has an infinite size() unless it has been unpacked with data. """
[docs] def format(self): fmt = self.typename cnt = self._sz if hasattr(self, "_sz") else "#" return "%s%s" % (cnt, fmt)
def size(self): try: return self._sz except AttributeError: return float("Infinity")
[docs] def unpack(self, data, offset=0): sz1 = struct.calcsize(self.typename) el1 = data[offset : offset + sz1] el1 = struct.unpack(self.order + self.typename, el1)[0] res = [el1] pos = offset + sz1 while not self.terminate(el1): el1 = data[pos : pos + sz1] el1 = struct.unpack(self.order + self.typename, el1)[0] res.append(el1) pos += sz1 self._sz = pos - offset if self.typename == "s": return b"".join(res) if self.typename == "c": return b"".join(res) return res
def pack(self, value): res = [struct.pack(self.order + self.typename, v) for v in value] return b"".join(res) def __repr__(self): r = "<VarField %s [%s]" % (, self.format()) r += " (%s)>" % self.comment if self.comment else ">" return r @staticmethod def __default_terminate(val): if isinstance(val, bytes): return val == b"\0" else: return val == 0 def terminate(self, val): if hasattr(self, "_terminate"): f = self._terminate return f(val) return self.__default_terminate(val) def set_terminate(self, func): self._terminate = func
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class CntField(RawField): """ A CntField is a RawField where the amount of elements to unpack is provided as first bytes, encoded as either a byte/word/dword. """
[docs] def format(self): fmt = self.typename if hasattr(self, "fcount"): cnt = "%s%d" % (self.fcount[1:], self.count) else: cnt = "#" return "%s%s" % (cnt, fmt)
def size(self): try: return struct.calcsize(self.format()) except Exception: return float("Infinity")
[docs] def unpack(self, data, offset=0): if hasattr(self, "fcount"): self.count = self.fcount sz = struct.calcsize(self.count[1:]) nb = data[offset : offset + sz] nb = struct.unpack(self.order + self.count[1:], nb)[0] self.fcount = self.count self.count = nb res = struct.unpack( self.order + self.format(), data[offset : offset + self.size()] ) if self.count == 0 or self.typename == "s": return res[1] if self.typename == "c": return b"".join(res[1:]) return res[1:]
def pack(self, value): res = struct.pack(self.order + self.format(), value) return res def __repr__(self): fmt = self.format() r = "<Field %s [%s]" % (, fmt) r += " (%s)>" % self.comment if self.comment else ">" return r
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StructDefine(object): """ StructDefine is a decorator class used for defining structures by parsing a simple intermediate language input decorating a StructFormatter class. """ All = {} rawtypes = ( "x", "c", "b", "B", "h", "H", "i", "I", "l", "L", "f", "d", "s", "n", "N", "p", "P", "q", "Q", ) alignments = { "x": 1, "c": 1, "b": 1, "B": 1, "s": 1, "h": 2, "H": 2, "i": 4, "I": 4, "l": 4, "L": 4, "f": 4, "q": 8, "Q": 8, "d": 8, "P": 8, } integer = pp.Regex(r"[0-9][0-9]*") integer.setParseAction(lambda r: int(r[0])) bitslen = pp.Group(pp.Suppress("#") + integer + pp.Suppress(".") + integer) symbol = pp.Regex(r"[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*") comment = pp.Suppress(";") + pp.restOfLine fieldname = pp.Suppress(":") + pp.Group( pp.Optional(pp.Literal(">") | pp.Literal("<"), default=None) + symbol ) inf = pp.Regex(r"~[bBhHiI]?") length = integer | symbol | inf | bitslen typename = pp.Group(symbol + pp.Optional(pp.Suppress("*") + length, default=0)) structfmt = pp.OneOrMore( pp.Group(typename + fieldname + pp.Optional(comment, default="")) ) def __init__(self, fmt, **kargs): self.fields = [] self.source = fmt self.packed = kargs.get("packed", False) if "alignments" in kargs: self.alignments = kargs["alignments"] for l in self.structfmt.parseString(fmt, True).asList(): f_type, f_name, f_comment = l f_order, f_name = f_name f_type, f_count = f_type if f_order is None and "order" in kargs: f_order = kargs["order"] if f_type in self.rawtypes: f_cls = RawField if isinstance(f_count, str) and f_count.startswith("~"): f_cls = VarField if f_count[1:] in "bBhHiI": f_cls = CntField f_align = self.alignments[f_type] else: f_cls = Field f_type = kargs.get(f_type, f_type) f_align = 0 self.fields.append( f_cls(f_type, f_count, f_name, f_order, f_align, f_comment) ) def __call__(self, cls): self.All[cls.__name__] = cls cls.fields = self.fields cls.source = self.source cls.packed = self.packed cls.fkeys = defaultdict(default_formatter) return cls
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class UnionDefine(StructDefine): """ UnionDefine is a decorator class based on StructDefine, used for defining unions. """ def __call__(self, cls): self.All[cls.__name__] = cls cls.fields = self.fields cls.source = self.source s = [f.size() for f in cls.fields] cls.union = s.index(max(s)) return cls
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def TypeDefine(newname, typebase, typecount=0, align_value=0): if typebase in StructDefine.rawtypes: f_cls = RawField f_align = align_value or StructDefine.alignments[typebase] else: f_cls = Field f_align = 0 StructDefine.All[newname] = f_cls( typebase, fcount=typecount, falign=f_align, fname="typedef" ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StructCore(object): """ StructCore is a ParentClass for all user-defined structures based on a StructDefine format. This class contains essentially the packing and unpacking logic of the structure. Note: It is mandatory that any class that inherits from StructCore can be instanciated with no arguments. """ packed = False union = False def __new__(cls, *args, **kargs): obj = super(StructCore, cls).__new__(cls) obj.fields = [f.copy() for f in cls.fields] t = type("container", (object,), {}) obj._v = t() return obj def __getitem__(self, fname): return getattr(self._v, fname) def __setitem__(self, fname, x): setattr(self._v, fname, x) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in self.__dict__: return getattr(self._v, attr) else: return self.__dict__[attr] @classmethod def format(cls): if cls.union is False: return "".join((f.format() for f in cls.fields)) else: return cls.fields[cls.union].format() @classmethod def size(cls): A = cls.align_value() sz = 0 for f in cls.fields: if cls.union is False and not cls.packed: sz = f.align(sz) if cls.union is False: sz += f.size() elif f.size > sz: sz = f.size() r = sz % A if (not cls.packed) and r > 0: sz += A - r return sz def __len__(self): """size method is a class method, __len__ computes the actual size of the instance""" A = self.align_value() sz = 0 for f in self.fields: if self.union is False and not self.packed: sz = f.align(sz) if self.union is False: sz += f.size() elif f.size > sz: sz = f.size() r = sz % A if (not self.packed) and r > 0: sz += A - r return sz def __eq__(self, other): if ( (self.packed == other.packed) and (self.union == other.union) and len(self.fields) == len(other.fields) and all((sf == of for sf, of in zip(self.fields, other.fields))) ): return True else: return False @classmethod def align_value(cls): return max([f.align_value for f in cls.fields]) def unpack(self, data, offset=0): for f in self.fields: if self.union is False and not self.packed: offset = f.align(offset) setattr(self._v,, f.unpack(data, offset)) if self.union is False: offset += f.size() return self def pack(self, data=None): if data is None: data = [getattr(self._v, for f in self.fields] parts = [] offset = 0 for f, v in zip(self.fields, data): p = f.pack(v) if not self.packed: pad = f.align(offset) - offset p = b"\0" * pad + p parts.append(p) if self.union is False: res = b"".join(parts) if not self.packed: res = res.ljust(self.size(), b"\0") return res else: return parts[self.union] def offset_of(self, name): if self.union is not False: return 0 o = 0 for f in self.fields: if == name: return o o = f.align(o) + f.size() raise AttributeError(name)
[docs]class StructFormatter(StructCore): """ StructFormatter is the Parent Class for all user-defined structures based on a StructDefine format. It inherits the core logic from StructCore Parent and provides all formatting facilities to pretty print the structures based on wether the field is declared as a named constant, an integer of hex value, a pointer address, a string or a date. Note: Since it inherits from StructCore, it is mandatory that any child class can be instanciated with no arguments. """ pfx = "" alt = None @classmethod def func_formatter(cls, **kargs): for key, func in kargs.items(): cls.fkeys[key] = func @classmethod def address_formatter(cls, *keys): for key in keys: cls.fkeys[key] = token_address_fmt @classmethod def name_formatter(cls, *keys): for key in keys: cls.fkeys[key] = token_name_fmt @classmethod def flag_formatter(cls, *keys): for key in keys: cls.fkeys[key] = token_flag_fmt def strkey(self, k, cname, ksz=20): fmt = "%%s%%-%ds:%%s" % ksz if hasattr(self._v, k): val = getattr(self._v, k) return fmt % (self.pfx, k, self.fkeys[k](k, val, cls=cname)) else: return fmt % (self.pfx, k, "None") def __str__(self): cname = self.alt or self.__class__.__name__ ksz = max((len( for f in self.fields)) s = [] for f in self.fields: fs = self.strkey(, cname, ksz) if fs.count("\n") > 0: fs = fs.replace("\n", "\n " + " " * ksz) s.append(fs) s = "\n".join(s) return "[%s]\n%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class StructMaker(StructFormatter): """ The StructMaker class is a StructFormatter equipped with methods that allow to interactively define and adjust fields at some given offsets or when some given sample bytes match a given value. """ fields = [] @property def source(cls): return "\n".join((x.source for x in cls.fields)) @classmethod def define(cls, fmt, offset=-1, atvalue=None, indata=b""): d = StructDefine(fmt) if len(d.fields) > 1: logger.warning("can't define more than one field at a time...") f = d.fields[0] if atvalue != None: s = f.pack(atvalue) offset = indata.find(s)"value found at offset %d" % offset) if offset >= 0: newf = [] pos = 0 for x in cls.fields: lx = pos + len(x) if pos <= offset < lx: if == "#undef": count = offset - pos if count > 0: newf.append(RawField("s", count, "#undef")) newf.append(f) count = lx - (offset + len(f)) if count > 0: newf.append(RawField("s", count, "#undef")) else: logger.error("can't overlap existing field!") return None else: newf.append(x) pos = lx if offset >= pos: count = offset - pos if count > 0: newf.append(RawField("s", count, "#undef")) newf.append(f) cls.fields = newf return f else: return None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def StructFactory(name, fmt, **kargs): "Returns a StructFormatter class build with name and format" return StructDefine(fmt, **kargs)(type(name, (StructFormatter,), {}))
[docs]def UnionFactory(name, fmt, **kargs): "Returns a StructFormatter (union) class build with name and format" return UnionDefine(fmt, **kargs)(type(name, (StructFormatter,), {}))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # our data structures exception handler:
[docs]class StructureError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message)