Getting started

This part of the documentation is intended for reversers or pentesters who want to get valuable informations about a binary blob without writting complicated python scripts. We give here a quick introduction to amoco without covering any of the implementation details.


Loading binary data

The recommended way to load binary data is to use the load_program function, providing an input filename or a bytestring. For example, from directory amoco/tests, do:

In [1]: import amoco
In [2]: p = amoco.load_program(u'samples/x86/flow.elf')
In [3]: print(p)
<Task amoco.system.linux32.x86 'samples/x86/flow.elf'>

In [4]: print(p.bin.Ehdr)
e_ident    :[IDENT]
            ELFMAG0      :127
            ELFMAG       :b'ELF'
            EI_CLASS     :ELFCLASS32
            EI_DATA      :ELFDATA2LSB
            EI_VERSION   :1
            EI_OSABI     :ELFOSABI_NONE
            unused       :(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
e_type     :ET_EXEC
e_machine  :EM_386
e_version  :EV_CURRENT
e_entry    :0x8048380
e_phoff    :52
e_shoff    :4416
e_flags    :0x0
e_ehsize   :52
e_phnum    :9
e_shnum    :30
e_shstrndx :27

If you have the click_ python package installed, you can also rely on the amoco shell command and simply do:

% amoco load samples/x86/flow.elf

If the binary data uses a registered executable format (currently, system.elf, system.macho or an HEX/SREC format in system.utils) and targets a supported plateform (see system and arch packages), the returned object is an abstraction of the memory mapped program:

In [5]: print(p.state)
eip <- { | [0:32]->0x8048380 | }
ebp <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
eax <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
ebx <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
ecx <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
edx <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
esi <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
edi <- { | [0:32]->0x0 | }
esp <- { | [0:32]->0x7ffff000 | }

In [6]: print(p.state.mmap)
<MemoryZone rel=None :
  <mo [08048000,08049000] data:b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x0...'>
  <mo [08049f14,08049ff0] data:b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x...'>
  <mo [08049ff0,08049ff4] data:@__gmon_start__>
  <mo [08049ff4,0804a000] data:b'(\x9f\x04\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\...'>
  <mo [0804a000,0804a004] data:@__stack_chk_fail>
  <mo [0804a004,0804a008] data:@malloc>
  <mo [0804a008,0804a00c] data:@__gmon_start__>
  <mo [0804a00c,0804a010] data:@__libc_start_main>
  <mo [0804a010,0804af14] data:b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x...'>
  <mo [7fffd000,7ffff000] data:b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x...'>>

(other more specific executable formats are supported but they need to be loaded manually.) Also note that it is possible to provide a raw bytes string as input and then manually load the architecture:

In [1]: import amoco
In [2]: shellcode = (b"\xeb\x16\x5e\x31\xd2\x52\x56\x89\xe1\x89\xf3\x31\xc0\xb0\x0b\xcd"
In [3]: p = amoco.load_program(shellcode)
[WARNING] amoco.system.core       : unknown format
[WARNING] amoco.system.raw        : a cpu module must be imported

In [4]: from amoco.arch.x86 import cpu_x86
In [5]: p.cpu = cpu_x86

In [6]: print(p)
<RawExec - '(sc-eb165e31...)'>

In [7]: print(p.state.mmap)
<MemoryZone rel=None :
      <mo [00000000,00000024] data:'\xeb\x16^1\xd2RV\x89\xe1\x89\xf...'>>

The shellcode is mapped at address 0 by default, but can be relocated:

In [8]: p.relocate(0x4000)
In [9]: print(p.state.mmap)
<MemoryZone rel=None :
      <mo [00004000,00004024] data:'\xeb\x16^1\xd2RV\x89\xe1\x89\xf...'>>

Decoding blocks of instructions

Decoding some bytes as an arch.core.instruction needs only to load the desired cpu module, for example:

In [10]: cpu_x86.disassemble(b'\xeb\x16')
Out[10]: <amoco.arch.x86.spec_ia32 JMP ( length=2 type=2 )>
In [11]: print(_)
jmp         .+22

If a mapped binary program has been instanciated, we can start disassembling instructions or data located at some virtual address:

In [12]: print(p.read_instruction(0x4000))
jmp         *0x4018
In [13]: p.read_data(0x4000,2)
Out[13]: ['\xeb\x16']

Now, rather than manually adjusting the address to fetch the next instruction, we can use any of the code analysis strategies implemented in amoco to disassemble basic blocks directly:

% amoco load samples/x86/flow.elf
In [3]: z =

In [4]: z.getblock(0x8048380)
Out[4]: <block object (0x8048380-0x80483a1) with 13 instructions>

In [5]: b=_
In [6]: print(b.view)
─────────── block 0x8048380 ──────────────────────────
0x8048380  '31ed'          xor         ebp, ebp
0x8048382  '5e'            pop         esi
0x8048383  '89e1'          mov         ecx, esp
0x8048385  '83e4f0'        and         esp, 0xfffffff0
0x8048388  '50'            push        eax
0x8048389  '54'            push        esp
0x804838a  '52'            push        edx
0x804838b  '6810860408'    push        0x8048610
0x8048390  '68a0850408'    push        0x80485a0
0x8048395  '51'            push        ecx
0x8048396  '56'            push        esi
0x8048397  '68fd840408'    push        0x80484fd
0x804839c  'e8cfffffff'    call        *0x8048370

Note that a block view will show non-transformed instructions’ operands (appart from PC-relative branch offsets which are shown as absolute addresses.) Block views can be enhanced by several analyses that will possibly add symbols related to addresses (provided by the program’s symbol table) or more semantic-related information. These views are usually available only through the higher level task view object and add various comment tokens to instruction lines. For example:

In [7]: print( p.view.codeblock(b) )
───────── codeblock 0x8048380 ──────────────────────────────────────────
0x8048380.text  '31ed'          xor         ebp, ebp
0x8048382.text  '5e'            pop         esi
0x8048383.text  '89e1'          mov         ecx, esp
0x8048385.text  '83e4f0'        and         esp, 0xfffffff0
0x8048388.text  '50'            push        eax
0x8048389.text  '54'            push        esp
0x804838a.text  '52'            push        edx
0x804838b.text  '6810860408'    push        0x8048610<__libc_csu_fini>
0x8048390.text  '68a0850408'    push        0x80485a0<__libc_csu_init>
0x8048395.text  '51'            push        ecx
0x8048396.text  '56'            push        esi
0x8048397.text  '68fd840408'    push        0x80484fd<main>
0x804839c.text  'e8cfffffff'    call        0x8048370<__libc_start_main>

Symbolic representations of blocks

A block object provides instructions of the program located at some address in memory. A node object takes a block and allows to get a symbolic functional representation of what this block sequence of instructions is doing:

In [8]: n = amoco.cfg.node(b)
In [8]: print(
eip                                               ⇽ (eip+-0x10)
 │ cf                                             ⇽ 0x0
 │ pf                                             ⇽ (0x6996>>(esp+0x4)[4:8])[0:1]
 │ af                                             ⇽ af
 │ zf                                             ⇽ ({[ 0: 4] -> 0x0, [ 4:32] -> (esp+0x4)[4:32]}==0x0)
 │ sf                                             ⇽ ({[ 0: 4] -> 0x0, [ 4:32] -> (esp+0x4)[4:32]}<0x0)
 │ tf                                             ⇽ tf
 │ df                                             ⇽ df
 │ of                                             ⇽ 0x0
ebp                                               ⇽ 0x0
esp                                               ⇽ ({[ 0: 4] -> 0x0, [ 4:32] -> (esp+0x4)[4:32]}-0x24)
esi                                               ⇽ M32(esp)
ecx                                               ⇽ (esp+0x4)
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-4)  ⇽ eax
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-8)  ⇽ ({[ 0: 4] -> 0x0, [ 4:32] -> (esp+0x4)[4:32]}-0x4)
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-12) ⇽ edx
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-16) ⇽ 0x8048610
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-20) ⇽ 0x80485a0
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-24) ⇽ (esp+0x4)
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-28) ⇽ M32(esp)
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-32) ⇽ 0x80484fd
({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | }-36) ⇽ (eip+0x21)

Here we are with the map of the block. Now what this mapper object says is for example that once the block is executed esi register will be set to the 32 bits value pointed by esp, that the carry flag will be 0, or that the top of the stack will hold value eip+0x21. Rather than extracting the entire view of the mapper we can query any expression out if it:

In [9]: print(

There are some caveats when it comes to query memory expressions but we will leave this for later (see cas.mapper.mapper).

The object also provides a better way to see how the memory is modified by the block:

In [10]: print(
<MemoryZone rel=None :>
<MemoryZone rel={ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0x4)[4:32] | } :
            <mo [-0000024,-0000020] data:(eip+0x21)>
            <mo [-0000020,-000001c] data:b'\xfd\x84\x04\x08'>
            <mo [-000001c,-0000018] data:M32(esp)>
            <mo [-0000018,-0000014] data:(esp+0x4)>
            <mo [-0000014,-0000010] data:b'\xa0\x85\x04\x08'>
            <mo [-0000010,-000000c] data:b'\x10\x86\x04\x08'>
            <mo [-000000c,-0000008] data:edx>
            <mo [-0000008,-0000004] data:({ | [0:4]->0x0 | [4:32]->(esp+0...>
            <mo [-0000004,00000000] data:eax>>

The cas.mapper.mapper class is an essential part of amoco that captures the semantics of the block by interpreting its’ instructions in a symbolic way. Note that it takes no input state or whatever but just expresses what the block would do independently of what has been done before and even where the block is actually located.

For any mapper object, we can get the lists of input and output expressions, and replace inputs by any chosen expression:

In [11]: for x in set( print(x)

In [12]: m =, esp=0x7fcfffff)
In [13]: print(m.view)
eip             <- 0x8048370
| cf            <- 0x0
| sf            <- 0x0
| tf            <- tf
| zf            <- 0x0
| pf            <- 0x0
| of            <- 0x0
| df            <- df
| af            <- af
ebp             <- 0x0
esp             <- 0x7fcfffdc
esi             <- M32(0x7fcfffff)
ecx             <- 0x7fd00003
(0x7fd00000-4)  <- eax
(0x7fd00000-8)  <- 0x7fcffffc
(0x7fd00000-12) <- edx
(0x7fd00000-16) <- 0x8048610
(0x7fd00000-20) <- 0x80485a0
(0x7fd00000-24) <- 0x7fd00003
(0x7fd00000-28) <- M32(0x7fcfffff)
(0x7fd00000-32) <- 0x80484fd
(0x7fd00000-36) <- 0x80483a1

Its fine to disassemble a block at some address and get some symbolic representation of it, but we are still far from getting the picture of the entire program. In order to reason later about execution paths, we need a way to chain block mappers. This is provided by the mapper’s shifts operators:

In [14]: mm = amoco.cas.mapper.mapper()
In [15]: amoco.conf.Cas.noaliasing = True
In [16]: mm[p.cpu.eip] = p.cpu.mem(p.cpu.esp+4,32)
In [17]: print( (>>mm)(p.cpu.eip) )

Here, taking a new mapper as if it came either from a block or a stub, and assuming that there is no memory aliasing, the sequential execution of followed by mm would branch to address 0x80484fd (<main>).

Starting some analysis

Important note:

*** The merge with emul branch has broken the static-analysis module.
This is going to be fixed only once the merge is fully integrated ***