Source code for grandalf.graphs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. _graphs:
This module implements essential graph classes for representing
vertices (nodes), edges (links), and graphs.


# This code is part of Grandalf
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Axel Tillequin (
# published under GPLv2 license or EPLv1 license

from .utils import Poset

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class vertex_core(object):
    """ The Vertex essentials attributes and methods.

            e (list[Edge]): list of edges associated with this vertex.

            deg() : degree of the vertex (number of edges).
            e_in() : list of edges directed toward this vertex.
            e_out(): list of edges directed outward this vertex.
            e_dir(int): either e_in, e_out or all edges depending on
               provided direction parameter (>0 means outward).
            N(f_io=0): list of neighbor vertices in all directions (default)
               or in filtered f_io direction (>0 means outward).
            e_to(v): returns the Edge from this vertex directed toward vertex v.
            e_from(v): returns the Edge from vertex v directed toward this vertex.
            e_with(v): return the Edge with both this vertex and vertex v
            detach(): removes this vertex from all its edges and returns this list
               of edges.

    def __init__(self):
        # will hold list of edges for this vertex (adjacency list)
        self.e = []

    def deg(self):
        return len(self.e)

    def e_in(self):
        return list(filter((lambda e: e.v[1] == self), self.e))

    def e_out(self):
        return list(filter((lambda e: e.v[0] == self), self.e))

    def e_dir(self, dir):
        if dir > 0:
            return self.e_out()
        if dir < 0:
            return self.e_in()
        return self.e

    def N(self, f_io=0):
        N = []
        if f_io <= 0:
            N += [e.v[0] for e in self.e_in()]
        if f_io >= 0:
            N += [e.v[1] for e in self.e_out()]
        return N

    def e_to(self, y):
        for e in self.e_out():
            if e.v[1] == y:
                return e
        return None

    def e_from(self, x):
        for e in self.e_in():
            if e.v[0] == x:
                return e
        return None

    def e_with(self, v):
        for e in self.e:
            if v in e.v:
                return e
        return None

    def detach(self):
        E = self.e[:]
        for e in E:
        assert self.deg() == 0
        return E

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class edge_core(object):
    """The Edge essentials attributes.

          v (list[Vertex]): list of vertices associated with this edge.
          deg (int): degree of the edge (number of unique vertices).

    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.deg = 0 if x == y else 1
        self.v = (x, y)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Vertex(vertex_core):
    """Vertex class enhancing a vertex_core with graph-related features.
          c (graph_core): the component of connected vertices that contains this vertex.
             By default a vertex belongs no component but when it is added in a
             graph, c points to the connected component in this graph.
          data (object) : an object associated with the vertex.

    def __init__(self, data=None):
        # by default, a new vertex belongs to its own component
        # but when the vertex is added to a graph, c points to the
        # connected component where it belongs.
        self.c = None = data
        self.__index = None

    def index(self):
        if self.__index:
            return self.__index
        elif isinstance(self.c, graph_core):
            self.__index = self.c.sV.index(self)
            return self.__index
            return None

    def __lt__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __gt__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __le__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __ge__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __getstate__(self):
        return (self.index,

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__index, = state
        self.c = None
        self.e = []

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Edge(edge_core):
    """Edge class enhancing edge_core with attributes and methods related to the graph.

         w (int): a weight associated with the edge (default 1) used by Dijkstra to
           find min-flow paths.
         data (object): an object associated with the edge.
         feedback (bool): indicates if the edge has been marked as a *feeback* edge
           by the Tarjan algorithm which means that it is part of a cycle and that
           inverting this edge would remove this cycle.

         attach(): add this edge in its vertices edge lists.
         detach(): remove this edge from its vertices edge lists.

    def __init__(self, x, y, w=1, data=None, connect=False):
        super().__init__(x, y)
        # w is an optional weight associated with the edge.
        self.w = w = data = False
        if connect and (x.c is None or y.c is None):
            c = x.c or y.c

    def attach(self):
        if not self in self.v[0].e:
        if not self in self.v[1].e:

    def detach(self):
        if self.deg == 1:
            assert self in self.v[0].e
            assert self in self.v[1].e
            if self in self.v[0].e:
            assert self not in self.v[0].e
        return [self]

    def __lt__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __gt__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __le__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __ge__(self, v):
        return 0

    def __getstate__(self):
        xi, yi = (self.v[0].index, self.v[1].index)
        return (xi, yi, self.w,,

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        xi, yi, self.w,, = state
        self._v = [xi, yi]
        self.deg = 0 if xi == yi else 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class graph_core(object):
    """A connected graph of Vertex/Edge objects. A graph_core is a *component*
       of a Graph that contains a connected set of Vertex and Edges.

         sV (poset[Vertex]): the partially ordered set of vertices of the graph.
         sE (poset[Edge]): the partially ordered set of edges of the graph.
         degenerated_edges (set[Edge]): the set of *degenerated* edges (of degree 0).
         directed (bool): indicates if the graph is considered *oriented* or not.

         V(cond=None): generates an iterator over vertices, with optional filter
         E(cond=None): generates an iterator over edges, with optional filter
         M(cond=None): returns the associativity matrix of the graph component
         order(): the order of the graph (number of vertices)
         norm(): the norm of the graph (number of edges)
         deg_min(): the minimum degree of vertices
         deg_max(): the maximum degree of vertices
         deg_avg(): the average degree of vertices
         eps(): the graph epsilon value (norm/order), average number of edges per vertex. 
         path(x,y,f_io=0,hook=None): shortest path between vertices x and y by breadth-first descent,
           contrained by f_io direction if provided. The path is returned as a list of Vertex objects.
           If a *hook* function is provided, it is called at every vertex added to the path, passing
           the vertex object as argument.
         roots(): returns the list of *roots* (vertices with no inward edges).
         leaves(): returns the list of *leaves* (vertices with no outward edges).
         add_single_vertex(v): allow a graph_core to hold a single vertex.
         add_edge(e): add edge e. At least one of its vertex must belong to the graph,
           the other being added automatically.
         remove_edge(e): remove Edge e, asserting that the resulting graph is still connex.
         remove_vertex(x): remove Vertex x and all associated edges.
         dijkstra(x,f_io=0,hook=None): shortest weighted-edges paths between x and all other vertices
           by dijkstra's algorithm with heap used as priority queue.
         get_scs_with_feedback(): returns the set of strongly connected components
           ("scs") by using Tarjan algorithm.
           These are maximal sets of vertices such that there is a path from each
           vertex to every other vertex.
           The algorithm performs a DFS from the provided list of root vertices.
           A cycle is of course a strongly connected component,
           but a strongly connected component can include several cycles.
           The Feedback Acyclic Set of edge to be removed/reversed is provided by
           marking the edges with a "feedback" flag.
           Complexity is O(V+E).
         partition(): returns a *partition* of the connected graph as a list of lists.
         N(v): returns neighbours of a vertex v.

    def __init__(self, V=None, E=None, directed=True):
        if V is None:
            V = []
        if E is None:
            E = []
        self.directed = directed
        self.sV = Poset(V)
        self.sE = Poset([])

        self.degenerated_edges = set()

        if len(self.sV) == 1:
            v = self.sV[0]
            v.c = self
            for e in v.e:

        for e in E:
            x = self.sV.get(e.v[0])
            y = self.sV.get(e.v[1])
            if x is None or y is None:
                raise ValueError("unknown Vertex (%s or %s)" % e.v)
            e.v = (x, y)
            if e.deg == 0:
            e = self.sE.add(e)
            if x.c is None:
                x.c = Poset([x])
            if y.c is None:
                y.c = Poset([y])
            if id(x.c) != id(y.c):
                x, y = (x, y) if len(x.c) > len(y.c) else (y, x)
                for v in y.c:
                    v.c = x.c
            s = x.c
        # check if graph is connected:
        for v in self.V():
            if v.c is None or (v.c != s):
                raise ValueError("unconnected Vertex %s" %
                v.c = self

    def roots(self):
        return list(filter(lambda v: len(v.e_in()) == 0, self.sV))

    def leaves(self):
        return list(filter(lambda v: len(v.e_out()) == 0, self.sV))

    def add_single_vertex(self, v):
        if len(self.sE) == 0 and len(self.sV) == 0:
            v = self.sV.add(v)
            v.c = self
            return v
        return None

    def add_edge(self, e):
        if e in self.sE:
            return self.sE.get(e)
        x = e.v[0]
        y = e.v[1]
        if not ((x in self.sV) or (y in self.sV)):
            raise ValueError("unconnected edge")
        x = self.sV.add(x)
        y = self.sV.add(y)
        e.v = (x, y)
        e = self.sE.add(e)
        x.c = self
        y.c = self
        if e.deg == 0:
        return e

    def remove_edge(self, e):
        if not e in self.sE:
        # check if still connected (path is not oriented here):
        if e.deg == 1 and not self.path(e.v[0], e.v[1]):
            # return to inital state by reconnecting everything:
            # exit with exception!
            raise ValueError(e)
            e = self.sE.remove(e)
            if e in self.degenerated_edges:
            return e

    def remove_vertex(self, x):
        if x not in self.sV:
        V = x.N()  # get all neighbor vertices to check paths
        E = x.detach()  # remove the edges from x and neighbors list
        # now we need to check if all neighbors are still connected,
        # and it is sufficient to check if one of them is connected to
        # all others:
        v0 = V.pop(0)
        for v in V:
            if not self.path(v0, v):
                # repair everything and raise exception if not connected:
                for e in E:
                raise ValueError(x)
        # remove edges and vertex from internal sets:
        for e in E:
        x = self.sV.remove(x)
        x.c = None
        return x

    def V(self, cond=None):
        V = self.sV
        if cond is None:
            cond = lambda x: True
        for v in V:
            if cond(v):
                yield v

    def E(self, cond=None):
        E = self.sE
        if cond is None:
            cond = lambda x: True
        for e in E:
            if cond(e):
                yield e

    def M(self, cond=None):
        from array import array

        mat = []
        for v in self.V(cond):
            vec = array("b", [0] * self.order())
            for e in v.e_in():
                v0 = e.v[0]
                if v0.index == v.index:
                vec[v0.index] = -e.w
            for e in v.e_out():
                v1 = e.v[1]
                vec[v1.index] = e.w
        return mat

    def order(self):
        return len(self.sV)

    def norm(self):
        return len(self.sE)

    def deg_min(self):
        return min([v.deg() for v in self.sV])

    def deg_max(self):
        return max([v.deg() for v in self.sV])

    def deg_avg(self):
        return sum([v.deg() for v in self.sV]) / float(self.order())

    def eps(self):
        return float(self.norm()) / self.order()

    def path(self, x, y, f_io=0, hook=None):
        assert x in self.sV
        assert y in self.sV
        x = self.sV.get(x)
        y = self.sV.get(y)
        if x == y:
            return []
        if f_io != 0:
            assert self.directed == True
        # path:
        p = None
        if hook is None:
            hook = lambda x: False
        # apply hook:
        # visisted:
        v = {x: None}
        # queue:
        q = [x]
        while (not p) and len(q) > 0:
            c = q.pop(0)
            for n in c.N(f_io):
                if not n in v:
                    v[n] = c
                    if n == y:
                        p = [n]
                if p:
        # now we fill the path p backward from y to x:
        while p and p[0] != x:
            p.insert(0, v[p[0]])
        return p

    def dijkstra(self, x, f_io=0, hook=None):
        from collections import defaultdict
        from heapq import heappop, heappush

        if x not in self.sV:
            return None
        if f_io != 0:
            assert self.directed == True
        # initiate with path to itself...
        v = self.sV.get(x)
        # D is the returned vector of distances:
        D = defaultdict(lambda: None)
        D[v] = 0.0
        L = [(D[v], v)]
        while len(L) > 0:
            l, u = heappop(L)
            for e in u.e_dir(f_io):
                v = e.v[0] if (u is e.v[1]) else e.v[1]
                Dv = l + e.w
                if D[v] != None:
                    # check if heap/D needs updating:
                    # ignore if a shorter path was found already...
                    if Dv < D[v]:
                        for i, t in enumerate(L):
                            if t[1] is v:
                        D[v] = Dv
                        heappush(L, (Dv, v))
                    D[v] = Dv
                    heappush(L, (Dv, v))
        return D

    def get_scs_with_feedback(self, roots=None):
        from sys import getrecursionlimit, setrecursionlimit

        limit = getrecursionlimit()
        N = self.norm() + 10
        if N > limit:

        def _visit(v, L):
            v.ind = v.ncur
            v.lowlink = v.ncur
            Vertex.ncur += 1
            v.mark = True
            for e in v.e_out():
                w = e.v[1]
                if w.ind == 0:
                    _visit(w, L)
                    v.lowlink = min(v.lowlink, w.lowlink)
                elif w.mark:
           = True
                if w in self.tstack:
                    v.lowlink = min(v.lowlink, w.ind)
            if v.lowlink == v.ind:
                l = [self.tstack.pop()]
                while l[0] != v:
                    l.insert(0, self.tstack.pop())
                # print "unstacked %s"%('-'.join([[1:13] for x in l]))
            v.mark = False

        if roots is None:
            roots = self.roots()
        self.tstack = []
        scs = []
        Vertex.ncur = 1
        for v in self.sV:
            v.ind = 0
        # start exploring tree from roots:
        for v in roots:
            v = self.sV.get(v)
            if v.ind == 0:
                _visit(v, scs)
        # now possibly unvisited vertices:
        for v in self.sV:
            if v.ind == 0:
                _visit(v, scs)
        # clean up Tarjan-specific data:
        for v in self.sV:
            del v.ind
            del v.lowlink
            del v.mark
        del Vertex.ncur
        del self.tstack
        return scs

    def partition(self):
        V = self.sV.copy()
        R = self.roots()
        for r in R:
        parts = []
        while len(R) > 0:
            v = R.pop(0)
            p = Poset([v])
            l = v.N(+1)
            while len(l) > 0:
                x = l.pop(0)
                if x in p:
                if all([(y in p) for y in x.N(-1)]):
                    if x in R:
                    if x in V:
        return parts

    def N(self, v, f_io=0):
        return v.N(f_io)

    # general graph properties:
    # -------------------------

    # returns True iff
    #  - o is a subgraph of self, or
    #  - o is a vertex in self, or
    #  - o is an edge in self
    def __contains__(self, o):
            return o.sV.issubset(self.sV) and o.sE.issubset(self.sE)
        except AttributeError:
            return (o in self.sV) or (o in self.sE)

    # merge graph_core G into self
    def union_update(self, G):
        for v in G.sV:
            v.c = self

    # derivated graphs:
    # -----------------

    # returns subgraph spanned by vertices V
    def spans(self, V):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # returns join of G (if disjoint)
    def __mul__(self, G):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # returns complement of a graph G
    def complement(self, G):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # contraction G\e
    def contract(self, e):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __getstate__(self):
        V = [v for v in self.sV]
        E = [e for e in self.sE]
        return (V, E, self.directed)

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        V, E, directed = state
        for e in E:
            e.v = [V[x] for x in e._v]
            del e._v
        graph_core.__init__(self, V, E, directed)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Graph(object):
    """Disjoint-set Graph.
       The graph is stored in disjoint-sets holding each connex component
       in self.C as a list of graph_core objects.

          C (list[graph_core]): list of graph_core components.

          add_vertex(v): add vertex v into the Graph as a new component
          add_edge(e): add edge e and its vertices into the Graph possibly merging the
            associated graph_core components
          get_vertices_count(): see order()
          V(): see graph_core
          E(): see graph_core
          remove_edge(e): remove edge e possibly spawning two new cores
            if the graph_core that contained e gets disconnected.
          remove_vertex(v): remove vertex v and all its edges.
          order(): the order of the graph (number of vertices)
          norm(): the norm of the graph (number of edges)
          deg_min(): the minimum degree of vertices
          deg_max(): the maximum degree of vertices
          deg_avg(): the average degree of vertices
          eps(): the graph epsilon value (norm/order), average number of edges per vertex. 
          connected(): returns True if the graph is connected (i.e. it has only one component).
          components(): returns self.C

    component_class = graph_core

    def __init__(self, V=None, E=None, directed=True):
        if V is None:
            V = []
        if E is None:
            E = []
        self.directed = directed
        # tag connex set of vertices:
        # at first, every vertex is its own component
        for v in V:
            v.c = Poset([v])
        CV = [v.c for v in V]
        # then pass through edges and union associated vertices such that
        # CV finally holds only connected sets:
        for e in E:
            x = e.v[0]
            y = e.v[1]
            assert x in V
            assert y in V
            assert x.c in CV
            assert y.c in CV
            if x.c != y.c:
                # merge y.c into x.c :
                # update set list (MUST BE DONE BEFORE UPDATING REFS!)
                # update reference:
                for z in y.c:
                    z.c = x.c
        # now create edge sets from connected vertex sets and
        # make the graph_core connected graphs for this component :
        self.C = []
        for c in CV:
            s = set()
            for v in c:
            self.C.append(self.component_class(c, s, directed))

    def add_vertex(self, v):
        for c in self.C:
            if v in c.sV:
                return c.sV.get(v)
        g = self.component_class(directed=self.directed)
        v = g.add_single_vertex(v)
        return v

    def add_edge(self, e):
        # take vertices:
        x = e.v[0]
        y = e.v[1]
        x = self.add_vertex(x)
        y = self.add_vertex(y)
        # take respective graph_cores:
        cx = x.c
        cy = y.c
        # add edge:
        e = cy.add_edge(e)
        # connect (union) the graphs:
        if cx != cy:
        return e

    def get_vertices_count(self):
        return sum([c.order() for c in self.C])

    def V(self):
        for c in self.C:
            V = c.sV
            for v in V:
                yield v

    def E(self):
        for c in self.C:
            E = c.sE
            for e in E:
                yield e

    def remove_edge(self, e):
        # get the graph_core:
        c = e.v[0].c
        assert c == e.v[1].c
        if not c in self.C:
            return None
        # remove edge in graph_core and replace it with two new cores
        # if removing edge disconnects the graph_core:
            e = c.remove_edge(e)
        except ValueError:
            e = c.sE.remove(e)
            tmpg = type(self)(c.sV, c.sE, self.directed)
            assert len(tmpg.C) == 2
        return e

    def remove_vertex(self, x):
        # get the graph_core:
        c = x.c
        if not c in self.C:
            return None
            x = c.remove_vertex(x)
            if c.order() == 0:
        except ValueError:
            for e in x.detach():
            x = c.sV.remove(x)
            tmpg = type(self)(c.sV, c.sE, self.directed)
            assert len(tmpg.C) == 2
        return x

    def order(self):
        return sum([c.order() for c in self.C])

    def norm(self):
        return sum([c.norm() for c in self.C])

    def deg_min(self):
        return min([c.deg_min() for c in self.C])

    def deg_max(self):
        return max([c.deg_max() for c in self.C])

    def deg_avg(self):
        t = 0.0
        for c in self.C:
            t += sum([v.deg() for v in c.sV])
        return t / float(self.order())

    def eps(self):
        return float(self.norm()) / self.order()

    def path(self, x, y, f_io=0, hook=None):
        if x == y:
            return []
        if x.c != y.c:
            return None
        # path:
        return x.c.path(x, y, f_io, hook)

    def N(self, v, f_io=0):
        return v.N(f_io)

    def __contains__(self, G):
        r = False
        for c in self.C:
            r |= G in c
        return r

    def connected(self):
        return len(self.C) == 1

    # returns connectivity (kappa)
    def connectivity(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # returns edge-connectivity (lambda)
    def e_connectivity(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # returns the list of graphs components
    def components(self):
        return self.C

    # derivated graphs:
    # -----------------

    # returns subgraph spanned by vertices V
    def spans(self, V):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # returns join of G (if disjoint)
    def __mul__(self, G):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # returns complement of a graph G
    def complement(self, G):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # contraction G\e
    def contract(self, e):
        raise NotImplementedError