Source code for code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of Amoco
# Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Axel Tillequin (
# published under GPLv2 license


This module defines classes that represent assembly instructions blocks,
functions, and calls to *external* functions. In amoco, such objects are
found as :attr:`` in nodes of a :class:`cfg.graph`. As such,they
all provide a common API with:

    * ``address`` to identify and locate the object in memory
    * ``support`` to get the address range of the object
    * ``view`` to display the object


from heapq import heappush

from amoco.logger import Log

logger = Log(__name__)
logger.debug("loading module")

from amoco.ui.views import blockView, funcView

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class acode(object):
    _is_block = False
    _is_func = False

    def cut(self, address):
        raise ValueError(address)

[docs]class block(acode): """A block instance holds a sequence of instructions. Args: instr (list[instruction]): the sequence of continuous (ordered) instructions Attributes: instr (list): the list of instructions of the block. view (:class:`blockView`): holds the :mod:`ui.views` object used to display the block. length (int): the byte length of the block instructions sequence. support (tuple): the memory footprint of the block """ _is_block = True __slots__ = ["instr", "view"] def __init__(self, instrlist): self.instr = instrlist self.view = blockView(self) @property def address(self): """address (:class:`cst`): the address of the first instruction in the block. """ try: return self.instr[0].address except IndexError: return None @property def length(self): return sum([i.length for i in self.instr], 0) def __len__(self): return self.length # @property # def cfi(self): # ii = self.instr # TODO @property def support(self): if len(self.instr) > 0: return (self.address, self.address + self.length) else: return (None, None) def __getitem__(self, i): """block objects support slicing from given start/stop addresses Args: i (slice): start and stop address *within* the block. The values must match addresses of instructions otherwise a :exc:`ValueError` exception is raised. Returns: block: a new block with selected instructions. """ sta, sto, stp = i.indices(self.length) assert stp == 1 pos = [0] for i in self.instr: pos.append(pos[-1] + i.length) try: ista = pos.index(sta) isto = pos.index(sto) except ValueError: logger.warning( "can't slice block: indices must match instruction boudaries" ) return None I = self.instr[ista:isto] if len(I) > 0: return block(self.instr[ista:isto])
[docs] def cut(self, address): """cutting the block at given address will remove instructions after this address, (which needs to be aligned with instructions boundaries.) The effect is thus to reduce the block size. Args: address (cst): the address where the cut occurs. Returns: int: the number of instructions removed from the block. """ I = [i.address for i in self.instr] try: pos = I.index(address) except ValueError: logger.warning( "invalid attempt to cut block @%s at %s" % (self.address, address) ) return 0 else: self.instr = self.instr[:pos] nl = len(I) - pos return nl
def __str__(self): T = self.view._vltable(formatter="Null") return "\n".join([, **T.rowparams) for r in T.rows]) def __repr__(self): sta, sto = nbi = len(self.instr) return "<{} object ({}-{}) with {} instructions>".format( self.__class__.__name__, sta, sto, nbi )
[docs] def raw(self): """returns the *raw* bytestring of the block instructions. """ return b"".join([i.bytes for i in self.instr])
def __cmp__(self, b): return cmp(self.raw(), b.raw()) def __eq__(self, b): return self.raw() == b.raw() def __hash__(self): return hash(self.address.value) def __getstate__(self): return self.instr def __setstate__(self, state): self.instr = state self.view = blockView(self)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class func(acode): """A graph of blocks that represents a function's Control-Flow-Graph (CFG). Args: g (graph_core): the connected graph component of nodes. Attributes: cfg (graph_core): the :class:`graph_core` CFG of the function (see :mod:`cfg`.) blocks (list[block]): the list of blocks in the CFG support (tuple): the memory footprint of the function """ _is_func = True __slots__ = ["cfg", "view"] # the init of a func takes a core_graph and creates a map of it: def __init__(self, g=None): self.cfg = g if self.cfg: roots = self.cfg.roots() if len(roots) > 1: raise ValueError("multiple roots node in CFG") self.view = funcView(self) @property def address(self): root = self.cfg.roots()[0] return @property def blocks(self): """blocks (list): the list of blocks within the function. """ return sorted( filter(lambda x: x._is_block, [ for n in self.cfg.sV]), key=lambda x: x.address, ) @property def support(self): smin = self.address smax = max((b.address + b.length for b in self.blocks)) return (smin, smax) def __str__(self): return "%s{%d}" % (self.address, len(self.blocks)) def __getstate__(self): return self.cfg def __setstate__(self, state): self.cfg = state self.view = funcView(self)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class tag: """defines keys as class attributes, used in :attr:`misc` attributes to indicate various relevant properties of blocks within functions. """ FUNC_START = "func_start" FUNC_END = "func_end" FUNC_STACK = "func_stack" FUNC_UNSTACK = "func_unstack" FUNC_CALL = "func_call" FUNC_GOTO = "func_goto" FUNC_ARG = "func_arg" FUNC_VAR = "func_var" FUNC_IN = "func_in" FUNC_OUT = "func_out" LOOP_START = "loop_start" LOOP_END = "loop_end" LOOP_COND = "loop_cond"
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls): """get the list of all defined keys """ return filter(lambda kv: kv[0].startswith("FUNC_"), cls.__dict__.items())
[docs] @classmethod def sig(cls, name): """symbols for tag keys used to compute the block's signature """ return { "cond": "?", "func": "F", cls.FUNC_START: "e", cls.FUNC_END: "r", cls.FUNC_STACK: "+", cls.FUNC_UNSTACK: "-", cls.FUNC_CALL: "c", cls.FUNC_GOTO: "j", cls.FUNC_ARG: "a", cls.FUNC_VAR: "v", cls.FUNC_IN: "i", cls.FUNC_OUT: "o", cls.LOOP_START: "l", }.get(name, "")
def _code_misc_default(): return 0