Source code for config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module defines the default amoco configuration
and loads any user-defined configuration file. It is based on the traitlets package.

    conf (Config): holds in a Config object based on Configurable traitlets,
        various parameters mostly related to how outputs should be formatted.

        The defined configurable sections are:

        - 'Code' which deals with how basic blocks are printed, with options:

            - 'helper' will use codeblock helper functions to pretty print code if True (default)
            - 'header' will show a dashed header line including the address of the block if True (default)
            - 'footer' will show a dashed footer line if True
            - 'segment' will show memory section/segment name in codeblock view if True (default)
            - 'bytecode' will show the hex encoded bytecode string of every instruction if True (default)
            - 'padding' will add the specified amount of blank chars to between address/bytecode/instruction (default 4).
            - 'hist' number of instruction's history shown in emulator view (default 3).

        - 'Cas' which deals with parameters of the algebra system:

            - 'noaliasing' will assume that mapper's memory pointers are not aliased if True (default)
            - 'complexity' threshold for expressions (default 100). See `cas.expressions` for details.
            - 'memtrace' store memory writes as mapper items if True (default).
            - 'unicode' will use math unicode symbols for expressions operators if True (default False).

        - 'DB' which deals with database backend options:

            - 'url' allows to define the dialect and/or location of the database (default to sqlite)
            - 'log' indicates that database logging should be redirected to the amoco logging handlers

        - 'Log' which deals with logging options:

            - 'level' one of 'ERROR' (default), 'VERBOSE', 'INFO', 'WARNING' or 'DEBUG' from less to more verbose,
            - 'tempfile' to also save DEBUG logs in a temporary file if True (default is False),
            - 'filename' to also save DEBUG logs using this filename.

        - 'UI' which deals with some user-interface pretty-printing options:

            - 'formatter' one of 'Null' (default), 'Terminal', "Terminal256', 'TerminalDark', 'TerminalLight', 'Html'
            - 'graphics' one of 'term' (default), 'qt' or 'gtk'
            - 'console' one of 'python' (default), or 'ipython'
            - 'unicode' will use unicode symbols for drawing lines and icons if True

        - 'Server' which deals with amoco's server parameters:

            - 'wbsz' sets the size of the server's internal shared memory buffer with spawned commands
            - 'timeout' sets the servers's internal timeout for the connection with spawned commands

        - 'Emu' which deals with amoco's emulator parameters:

            - 'hist' defines the size of the emulator's instructions' history list (defaults to 100.)
            - 'stacksize' defines the size in bytes of the emulator's frame view that displays the stack.

        - 'Arch' which allows to configure assembly format parameters:

            - 'assemble' (unused)
            - 'format_x86' one of 'Intel' (default), 'ATT'
            - 'format_x64' one of 'Intel' (default), 'ATT'

import os
from traitlets.config import Configurable,PyFileConfigLoader
from traitlets import Integer, Unicode, Bool, observe

# -----------------------

[docs]class DB(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to the database. Attributes: url (str): defaults to sqlite:// (in-memory database). log (Bool): If True, merges database's logs into amoco loggers. """ url = Unicode("sqlite://", config=True) log = Bool(False, config=True)
[docs]class Code(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to assembly blocks (code.block). Attributes: helper (Bool): use block helpers if True. header (Bool): display block header dash-line with its name if True. footer (Bool): display block footer dash-line if True. segment (Bool): display memory section/segment name if True. bytecode (Bool): display instructions' bytes. padding (int): add space-padding bytes to bytecode (default=4). hist (int): number of history instructions to show in emulator's code frame view. """ helper = Bool(True, config=True) header = Bool(True, config=True) footer = Bool(True, config=True) bytecode = Bool(True, config=True) segment = Bool(True, config=True) padding = Integer(4, config=True) hist = Integer(3, config=True)
[docs]class Cas(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to the Computer Algebra System (expressions). Attributes: complexity (int): limit expressions complexity to given value. Defaults to 10000, a relatively high value that keeps precision but can lead to very large expressions. unicode (Bool): use unicode character for expressions' operators if True. noaliasing (Bool): If True (default), then assume that symbolic memory expressions (pointers) are **never** aliased. memtrace (Bool): keep memory writes in mapper in addition to MemoryMap (default). """ complexity = Integer(10000, config=True) unicode = Bool(False, config=True) noaliasing = Bool(True, config=True) memtrace = Bool(True, config=True)
[docs]class Log(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to logging. Attributes: level (str): terminal logging level (defaults to 'INFO'.) filename (str): if not "" (default), a filename receiving VERBOSE logs. tempfile (Bool): log at VERBOSE level to a temporary tmp/ file if True. Note: observers for Log traits are defined in the amoco.logger module (to avoid module cyclic imports.) """ level = Unicode("INFO", config=True) filename = Unicode("", config=True) tempfile = Bool(False, config=True)
[docs]class UI(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to User Interface(s). Attributes: formatter (str): pygments formatter for pretty printing. Defaults to Null, but recommended to be set to 'Terminal256' if pygments package is installed. graphics (str): rendering backend. Currently only 'term' is supported. console (str): default python console, either 'python' (default) or 'ipython'. completekey (str): client key for command completion (Tab). cli (str): client frontend. Currently only 'cmdcli' is supported. """ formatter = Unicode("Null", config=True) graphics = Unicode("term", config=True) console = Unicode("python", config=True) completekey = Unicode("tab", config=True) cli = Unicode("cmdcli", config=True) unicode = Bool(False, config=True)
[docs]class Server(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to the Server mode. Attributes: wbsz (int): size of the shared buffer between server and its command threads. timeout (int): timeout for the servers' command threads. """ wbsz = Integer(0x1000, config=True) timeout = Integer(600, config=True)
[docs]class Arch(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to CPU architectures. Attributes: assemble (Bool): unused yet. format_x86 (str): select disassembly flavor: Intel (default) vs. AT&T (att). format_x64 (str): select disassembly flavor: Intel (default) vs. AT&T (att). """ assemble = Bool(False, config=True) format_x86 = Unicode("Intel", config=True) @observe("format_x86") def _format_x86_changed(self, change): from amoco.arch.x86.cpu_x86 import configure configure( format_x64 = Unicode("Intel", config=True) @observe("format_x64") def _format_x64_changed(self, change): from amoco.arch.x64.cpu_x64 import configure configure(
[docs]class Emu(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to the amoco.emu module. Attributes: hist (int): size of the emulated instruction history list (defaults to 100.) stacksize (int): max-size of the stack frame displayed by the emulator (defaults to 256.) """ hist = Integer(100, config=True) stacksize = Integer(256, config=True)
[docs]class System(Configurable): """ Configurable parameters related to the system sub-package. Attributes: pagesize (int): provides the default memory page size in bytes. aslr (Bool): simulates ASLR if True. (not supported yet.) nx (Bool): unused. """ pagesize = Integer(4096, config=True) aslr = Bool(False, config=True) nx = Bool(False, config=True)
[docs]class Config(object): """ A Config instance takes an optional filename argument or looks for .amoco/config or .amocorc files to load a traitlets.config.PyFileConfigLoader used to adjust UI, DB, Code, Arch, Log, Cas, System, and Server parameters. Note: The Config object supports a print() method to display the entire configuration. """ _locations = [".config/amoco/config", ".amoco/config", ".amocorc"] BANNER = "amoco (version 3.0)" def __init__(self, f=None): if f is not None: f = os.path.expanduser(f) self._locations = [f] for f in self._locations: cl = PyFileConfigLoader(filename=f, path=(".", os.getenv("HOME"))) try: c = cl.load_config() except Exception: c = None self.f = None else: self.f = f break self.setup(c) def load(self,f): f = os.path.expanduser(f) cl = PyFileConfigLoader(filename=f, path=(".", os.getenv("HOME"))) self.setup(cl.load_config()) def setup(self,c=None): self.UI = UI(config=c) self.DB = DB(config=c) self.Code = Code(config=c) self.Arch = Arch(config=c) self.Log = Log(config=c) self.Cas = Cas(config=c) self.System = System(config=c) self.Emu = Emu(config=c) self.Server = Server(config=c) self.src = c def __str__(self): s = [] mlen = 0 for c in filter( lambda x: isinstance(getattr(self, x), Configurable), dir(self) ): pfx = "c.%s" % c c = getattr(self, c) for t in c.trait_names(): if t in ("config", "parent"): continue v = getattr(c, t) t = "{}.{}".format(pfx, t) mlen = max(mlen, len(t)) if isinstance(v, str): v = "'%s'" % v s.append((t, v)) return "\n".join(("{:{mlen}} = {}".format(t, v, mlen=mlen) for (t, v) in s))
# define default config: # ----------------------- conf = Config() from amoco.logger import Log as _LogClass #lgtm [py/unsafe-cyclic-import] logger = _LogClass(__name__) logger.debug("loading module")